Flame spreading over solid rocket propellants during ignition transient


Dragan Lemić


Flame spreading along solid rocket propellant is a very important phase of rocket motor ignition transient. On that occasion fast burning surface growth causes the greatest change of motor chamber  parameters. Flame spreading  velocity dependence on pressure, flowing rate and oxidizer concentration in the ambient gas is presented. Influence of heat transfer on the process for the head and aft end motor ignition cases was considered. Convection domination in the first case largely increasing flame propagating velocity is established. It is verified that the oxidizer concentration lowering in the conditions corresponding to the aft end igniter situation decreases the flame spreading velocity up to the values close to solid rocket propellant burning rates. Methods for defining the flame front spreading velocity or its position are presented for a head end ignition case.


Ključne reči: Solid propellant rocket motor, solid rocket propellant, flame spreading, ignition, ignition transient.