High G Training Profiles in a High Performance Human Centrifuge


Zorana Dančuo

Vladimir Zeljković

Boško Rašuo

Mirko Đapić


In this paper, profiles for training in a High Performance Human Centrifuge (HPHC) are presented. The main objective is to underline the significance of developing various training scenarios in order to achieve optimal preparedness of fighter pilots. This research is based on the NATO STANAG 3827 AMD, a standard that provides values of G tolerance that an aircrew must sustain. An aircrew who do not successfully complete a Rapid Onset Rate (ROR) 7G for 15 seconds centrifuge profile with anti-G suit and straining maneuver will be considered to have low G tolerance, which is explained in detail in this paper. Training profiles are presented graphically, as well as arm angular velocity, roll and pitch angle for each load. The main demand for the Human Centrifuge presented in this paper is to achieve an onset rate of 9G/s. The graphs in this paper are a part of the research conducted in the Lola Institute Belgrade. The examples of training scenarios of several countries are given briefly. G-Induced Loss of Consciousness (G-LOC) episodes are unavoidable during centrifuge training. Effective training of Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM) and increasing pilots G-tolerance contribute to flight safety and thereby reduce the risk of G-LOC and aircraft accidents. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the complexity of parameter settings in order to achieve desired loads

Key words: centrifuge, human centrifuge, pilot training, G-load.






Scientific Technical Review , No.1,   2012