Reaction matrix - new concept for expert decision rules introduction into simulation models of complex military systems

Radomir Janković

Some of the results of the author's original research in the complex military systems domain have been presented. The research and development methodology, based on the computer simulation technique has been explained first. Fundamentals of the developed model of the armed mobile platform (NMP) simulated mission have been given of the wards. The NMP is an abstraction suitable for research and development of a considered complex military systems class. Basic concepts of the planned NMP mission have been explained as well as the mechanisms for extraordinary events introduction in mission. Conflicts, in which the interests of the NMP crew who tends to accomplish assigned tasks and the adversary who tends to prevent them have been opposed, are of particular importance. The Reaction Matrix (REM) is a new original concept developed during this research with an aim to enable the introduction of threat/target characteristics in the simulation model, as well as the state of NMP significant resources and the expert decision rules in commanding the NMP, applied in order to determine the AMP reactions in conflict situations. After an overview of the REM concept and its logical organization, the paper considers the experience acquired through the REM realization by means of the GPSS simulation language on a personal computer. The example considered in the paper is the reaction matrix for the River Flotilla Armed Ship combat activities simulator.

Ključne reči:  Military system armed mobile platform, reaction matrix, computer simulation.