


Three copies of the paper in English, along with a copy in Serbian if the paper is translated from it, should be sent to the Editor (an original manuscript is obligatory). The paper should not exceed 1.5 author's signature (one author's signature=30 thousand typing spaces).

Authors are to use accepted professional terminology and SI units.

Titles of papers should be iformative and brief (they should not exceed 80 typing spaces). Authors are asked to avoid abbreviations, except standard onnes.

Submitted papers should be accompanied by abstracts (up to 50 words) and key words (5-6 words) in Serbian and English and, if possible, in French. The texts will be revised.

Headings are not numbered while all figures, tables, diagrams and equations are enumerated by ordinal numbers.

References throughout the paper are quoted in square brackets [ ] and at the end of the paper, under the heading REFERENCES, they are listed according to their appearance in the paper, complying to ISO 690/87.



·     for articles in periodicals:

[1] WEAWER,W. The collectors: command performances. Architectural Digest, December 1985, Vol.42, No.12, pp.126-133.

·     for monographers:

[5]  LOMINADZE, DG. Cyclotron Waves in Plasma. 1st ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1981,                        ISBN 0-08-021680-3.

· elements for citing patents: patentee, patent name, document identificatio (country or company), type of patent document, number and publishing date of the cited  document:

[7]  CARL ZEISS JENA, VEB. Anordnung zur lichtelekrischen Erfassung der Mitte eines Lichtfeldes, Schweiz Patentshcrift, 608 625. 1979-01-15.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by the following necessary data:

- full name and title of the author

- name and address of the firm

- telephone number (office and home), e-mail address

- account number to which author's royalties are made and the municipality where the author lives


Papers are not returned.

Papers are submitted typed or printed (IBM compatible PC, preferably in Times New Roman CE font) on one side of the paper only with double-line spacing and a 2 cm margin on the left.

The original paper should be of good graphical quality for reproduction and scanning.

Disk manuscripts should be given (with Save Option and Embed True Type fonts) with printed papers. In case the computer version differs from the paper version, the latter will be considered valid.

Special attention should be played to indices, powers and Greek letters in equations.

EQUATIONS are numbered in round brackets ( ) on the right side. MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS and functions should be written according to generally accepted standards. SPECIAL SIGNS, GREEK LETTERS, etc. should be pointed out in the margin as well as the difference between low case and capital letters, zero and the letter o, number 1 and the letter , letters k and κ (kappa), etc. VECTORS should be given in bold italics or with an arrow above the letter. MATRICES should be bold or underlined.

FIGURES, GRAPHS AND DRAWINGS should be in a suitable black drawing ink on white paper or copied on a laser printer (600 dpi). The minimum letter height should be 8 pt in Times New Roman CE font and the line thickness 0.3 mm at the minimum. The width of illustrations (figures, graphs, drawings, photos) and tables is restricted to the width of one column (8.5 cm), or, in special cases, when clearness is not possible otherwise, to the width of two columns (17.8 cm). Figures, graphs, drawings and tables are submitted in 1:1 proportion. If computer generated and available on disk, they should be numbered and given as a separate file in required dimensions (8.5 cm).

PHOTOGRAPHS should be sharp and of good contrast, original (on photographic paper), 8.5 cm wide.

Space for illustrations in the paper should be marked by numbers assigned to each illustration and written on its back. Captions and legends to illustrations should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper.

The legality of the software used in the papers published in the Review is solely the authors' responsibility.


NOTE:   Authors are entitled to three free offprint and one complimentary copy of the review.